And .. Let’s Try Again


Looking back, I did accomplish much of what I wanted in 2015. I shared ideas with my colleagues, including presenting to student teachers at the local university and becoming team leader for my grade at school. I read over 100 books, including participating in the #bookaday challenge over the summer. I used my instagram and twitter accounts to promote ideas and literacy, as well as connect with students. The only goal I didn’t complete was to write more posts. Therefore, in 2016 I plan to share more of my thoughts on this website, including book reviews and lesson plans. Based on this past year, it will be a challenge, but I feel it will be worth it for my own professional development.

2 thoughts on “And .. Let’s Try Again

  1. Val Dobie

    Happy New Year, my friend! I so enjoy reading your comments on novels! Currently, I’m reading the Lev Grossman trilogy “The Magicians” and can lend them to you if you’d like! Not middle school novels, but very well written. I love the more advanced vocabulary in them. Did you get the new Rick Riorden? I will need to sign that out of the Clearbrook library. Take good care!

    • Sara

      Thank you for your kind comment! I think I would like to borrow “The Magicians” trilogy when you’re done. I did read the new Rick Riordan book, and enjoyed it. I own a copy, so if you like, I can drop it off for you to read. Just let me know when. Take care!

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